Digital Design
WWI Video Interview
During WWI some soldiers were killed at the battle of Fromelles. LGC, alongside Oxford Archaeology, used DNA testing techniques to help identify these fallen soldiers. I directed and filmed this video, as well as edited it together to create a short documentary.
Project goals:
1) To provide visibility for the project.
2) To create a sensitive video documenting the process of DNA identification.
Identifying the soldiers of Fromelles
There were a group of forensic scientists at LGC who worked hard to try and obtain what little DNA from the unidentified soldiers. The main part of the video was to film these scientists, who were very knowledgeable about their work. However in front of the camera they were not comfortable, so I started talking with them whilst the camera was rolling and after a while they began to relax. As a result, the interview became more natural and more information was gathered than had originally been scripted by the comms team.
Once identified, the families of these soldiers had been contacted. Some of these families had provided images which we were permitted to use in the video, other images were provided by the archaeology team, and some archive footage was also obtained. I used these additional images and videos, as well as my own illustrations, to provide B-roll for the edited video.
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